|本期目录/Table of Contents|

 CUI Guang-qing,MAO Xiu-hong,SUN Wei-he,et al.Study of the fluid responsiveness and outcomes of patients who receive PiCCO[J].JOURNAL OF MEDICALRESEARCH —COMBAT TRAUMA CARE,2015,17(02):122-136.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1672-271X.2015.02.004]





Study of the fluid responsiveness and outcomes of patients who receive PiCCO
224200 江苏盐城,南通大学附属东台医院重症医学科
CUI Guang-qing MAO Xiu-hong SUN Wei-he LIU Xiao-xia.
ICU, Dongtai Hospital Affiliated to Nantong University, Yancheng, Jiangsu 224200, China
thermodilution technology fluid resuscitation pulse contour cardiac output the pulmonary artery cathete outcome
目的 回顾性探讨脉搏指示连续心排出量监测(PiCCO)对重症患者指导液体复苏及评价预后的作用,并与肺动脉导管(PAC)比较。方法 收集2010年1月-2014年1月南通大学附属东台人民医院ICU住院诊治并放置PiCCO或PAC的重症患者96例,其中PiCCO组44例,PAC组52例,记录数据包括两组患者人口统计学资料、血流动力学参数、24 h液体出入量、机械通气时间、无机械通气时间(VFDs)、28 d内非ICU住院时间、总住院时间及院内死亡率等指标,采用Fisher's精确检验或Mann-Whitney检验进行两组间比较,进一步采用多元回归模型进行多因素校正。结果 分析置管原因,感染性休克是放置PiCCO的主要原因(52.2%),心源性休克是放置PAC的主要原因(57.7%)。PiCCO组与PAC组7日内24 h液体平衡量分别为650(-120,1400)、350(-570,1060),P=0.001,第2日液体平衡量比较差异具有统计学意义(FBPiCCO=250及FBPAC=550,P=0.012),且PiCCO组中置管并发症及VFDs均显著少于PAC组(P<0.05)。采用多元回归模型发现,PiCCO及PAC均不是影响上述临床结果的独立预测因子。结论 PiCCO对重症患者指导液体复苏及评价预后中的作用并不优于PAC,且PiCCO监测下过度补液反而会增加院内死亡率。
Objective A prospective study was conducted to compare the fluid responsiveness and outcomes of patients who receive haemodynamic monitoring with either the pulmonary artery catheter (PAC) or pulse contour cardiac output (PiCCO) technology. Methods A cohort of 96 critically ill patients who received haemodynamic monitoring by PAC or PiCCO according to physician preference in intensive care units (ICUs) from 2010 January to 2014 January. Data were collected on haemodynamics, demographic features, daily fluid balance, mechanical ventilation days, ICU days, hospital days, and hospital mortality. The Fisher's exact test and Mann-Whitney test were used for nominal values and numerical variables, respectively, to compare variables in patients managed with PiCCO and PAC and confounding factors were adjusted by using the multiple regression model. Results Mean daily fluid balance was significantly greater during PiCCO monitoring (650 versus 350, P=0.001) and fluid balance compared with patients with PAC and fluid balance was found to be significantly different on day two (FBPiCCO=250 versus FBPAC=550, P=0.012). However, after multiple regression analysis, we found no significant effect of monitoring technique on mean daily fluid balance, mechanical ventilation free days, ICU-free days, or hospital mortality. Conclusion The choice of PiCCO monitoring did not influence major outcomes than PAC and overtreatment may be detrimental, whereas a positive fluid balance was a significant independent predictor of outcome.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2015-03-20