WANG Run,WANG Bo,CHEN Jian-zhuo,et al.Compare the clinical curative effect of combined trabeculectomy and 810 nm laser through scleral ciliary body photocoagulation method in the treatment for glaucoma patients[J].JOURNAL OF MEDICALRESEARCH —COMBAT TRAUMA CARE,2015,17(05):493-495.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1672-271X.2015.05.014]
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- Title:
Compare the clinical curative effect of combined trabeculectomy and 810 nm laser through scleral ciliary body photocoagulation method in the treatment for glaucoma patients
- 作者:
王润; 王波; 陈建卓; 赵莲; 李媛媛
214044 江苏无锡,解放军101医院眼科
- Author(s):
WANG Run; WANG Bo; CHEN Jian-zhuo; ZHAO Lian; LI Yuan-yuan.
Department of Ophthaolmology, 101 Hospital of PLA, Wuxi, Jiangsu 214044, China
- 关键词:
复合式小梁切除术; 睫状体光凝术; 青光眼
- Keywords:
combined trabeculectomy; ciliary body photocoagulation method; glaucoma
- 分类号:
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- 摘要:
目的 比较复合式小梁切除术与810 nm激光经巩膜睫状体光凝术对青光眼患者临床疗效。方法 2013年1月-2014年6月确诊青光眼70例,根据其不同的手术方式将其分 为观察组与对照组,观察组47例57眼采用睫状体光凝术,对照组23例31眼采取复合式小梁切除术,比较两组患者治疗前后的视力、眼压变化、术后并发症及转归情况。结果 两组 治疗前后的视力比较无明显差异。治疗后1周、3月对照组患者的眼压明显优于观察组,末次随访时比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。观察组再次手术的比例为27.66%(13/47),对 照组为8.70%(2/23),两组间比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。结论 睫状体光凝术与复合式小梁切除术相比操作更为简便,其短期降眼压效果不如小梁切除术,需辅助降眼压 药物或再次手术治疗,远期降眼压及恢复视力效果与小梁切除术相比无明显差异。
- Abstract:
Objective To compare the clinical curative effect between combined trabeculectomy and 810 nm laser through scleral ciliary body photocoagulation method in the treatment for glaucoma patients. Methods Selected 70 patients who were diagnosed with glaucoma from January 2013 to June 2014 in our hospital. According to different operation, they were divided into observation group and control group. 47 cases of 57 eyes in the observation group received ciliary body photocoagulation and 23 cases of 31 eyes in the control group received combined trabeculectomy. Compared visual acuity, intraocular pressure before and after treatment , postoperative complications and outcome in two groups. Results The visual acuity in the two groups before and after treatment had no significant difference. 1 week and 3 months after treatment, intraocular pressure in observation group was better than control group, while at the time of the last follow-up, there was no significant difference (P>0.05). Reoperation rate of observation group was 27.66% (13/47) and control group was 8.70% (2/23). There was significant differences between the two groups (P<0.01). Conclusion Compared with trabeculectomy operation, TDCP in the treatment of glaucoma is more simple but its short-term effects is not as good as trabeculectomy and should be treated with auxiliary drug or reoperation. Long-term effects and restored vision effect has no obvious difference between two methods.
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