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¡¡SONG Hai-feng,WU Gang,SUN De-xing.Association of neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio with coronary heart disease and the extent of coronary atherosclerosis in kazak population from Ili Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture[J].JOURNAL OF MEDICALRESEARCH ¡ªCOMBAT TRAUMA CARE,2021,23(05):493-496.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1672-271X.2021.05.010]





Association of neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio with coronary heart disease and the extent of coronary atherosclerosis in kazak population from Ili Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture
SONG Hai-feng1WU Gang2SUN De-xing2
£¨1.Department of Outpatient£¬2.Department of Cardiology£¬Chinese PLA 946 Hospital£¬Yining 835000£¬Xinjiang£¬China£©
ÒÁÀç¹þÈø¿Ë×åÖÐÐÔÁ£Ï¸°û/ÁÜ°Íϸ°û±ÈÖµGensini»ý·Ö ¹Ú×´¶¯ÂöÖàÑùÓ²»¯ÐÔÐÄÔಡ
kazak neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio Gensini score coronary artery disease
ObjectiveTo explore the relationship between NLR with coronary artery disease and the degree of coronary atherosclerosis in kazak population from Ili Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture.Methods210 patients with coronary angiography were enrolled in Chinese PLA 946 Hospital. Routine blood test was performed on admission and NLR value was calculated before coronary angiography. Taking positive coronary angiography£¨stenosis of major vessels¡Ý50%£©as the diagnostic standard of coronary artery disease. Totally,24 healthy subjects were enrolled as a control group. The Gensini scoring system was used to assess the severity and complexity of coronary artery disease.Patients were divided into mild,moderate and severe lesion groups based on the Gensini score.The relations of age,Body Mass Index(BMI),blood pressure, triglyceride£¨TG£©,total cholesterol£¨TC£©,low-density lipoprotein cholesterol£¨LDL-C£©,glucose and NLR were analyzed by One-Way ANOVA. The relationship between NLR level and Gensini score was analyzed by spearman correlation analysis and multiple linearregression.The value of NLR in predicting coronary artery disease was assessed by ROC curve.ResultsThe NLR level of CHD group was significantly higher than that of normal control group (P<0.05)£¬and the NLR level showed a gradually increasing trend between groups (P<0.05).NLR was positively correlated with the Gensini score£¨r=0.478£¬P<0.001£©. Multiple linear regression analysis showed NLR,glucose and age accounted for 25.8% of the variation of the Gensini score£¨¦Â£½3.591£¬5.477£¬0.632£¬P£¼0.05£©.A NLR=2.19 as optimal cut-off value£¬with sensitivity of 59% and specificity of 73% (AUC: 0.671£¬95%CI: 0.562-0.779£¬P£¼0.01) in predicting coronary artery disease.ConclusionAs an independent risk factor for the degree of coronary artery stenosis£¬NLR can also predict the occurrence of coronary heart disease in kazak population of Ili Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture.


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¸üÐÂÈÕÆÚ/Last Update: 2021-10-11