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 YAN Jing-jing,PAN Kui-jing,XIA Ning-ning,et al.Research progress of post-traumatic stress disorder in cardiac arrest survivors[J].JOURNAL OF MEDICALRESEARCH —COMBAT TRAUMA CARE,2021,23(6):642-646.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1672-271X.2021.06.018]





Research progress of post-traumatic stress disorder in cardiac arrest survivors
作者单位: 210019 南京,南京医科大学第四临床医学院(严敬婧);210019 南京,南京医科大学附属明基医院护 理部(潘奎静、夏宁宁、刘静)
YAN Jing-jing PAN Kui-jing XIA Ning-ningLIU Jing
(1.The Fourth Clinical College of Nanjing Medical University,Nanjing 210019,Jiangsu,China; 2.Department of Nursing, BenQ Hospital Affiliated to Nanjing Medical University, Nanjing 210019, Jiangsu,China)
cardiac arrestsurvivorspost-traumatic stress disorder
心搏骤停是重大的创伤事件,约有三分之一的幸存者会发生创伤后应激障碍,增加死亡率和心血管事件再发 率,降低生活质量。早有学者呼吁关注幸存者的精神健康,但国内关注度仍不高。因此,为识别和管理患创伤后应 激障碍的幸存者提供理论参考,文章对心搏骤停幸存者创伤后应激障碍的常用评估工具、影响因素、干预措施等进 行综述。
Cardiac arrest is a major traumatic event, with approximately one third of survivor suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder, increased mortality and recurrence of cardiovascular events, reduced quality of life. Scholars have for a long time called for attention to the mental health of survivors, but there is still little attention in China. Therefore, this paper reviews the commonly used assessment tools, influencing factors and intervention measures for PTSD in cardiac arrest survivors, and provides theoretical reference for the identification and management of PTSD survivors.


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基金项目:南京市卫生科技发展专项资金(YKK20219)作者单位: 210019 南京,南京医科大学第四临床医学院(严敬婧);210019 南京,南京医科大学附属明基医院护 理部(潘奎静、夏宁宁、刘静)
更新日期/Last Update: 2021-12-15