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 LI Ping,XU Hai-dong reviewing,WANG Mao-rong checking.The prevalence of common infectious diseases in Africa[J].JOURNAL OF MEDICALRESEARCH —COMBAT TRAUMA CARE,2020,22(4):390-394.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1672-271X.2020.04.012]





The prevalence of common infectious diseases in Africa
作者单位:210002 南京,东部战区总医院秦淮医疗区全军肝病中心(李平、汪茂荣),东部战区总医院(原南京军区南京总医院)骨科(徐海栋)
LI Ping1 XU Hai-dong2 reviewing WANG Mao-rong1 checking
(1. Institute of Liver Disease, 2.Department of Orthopedics, General Hospital of Eastern Theater Command, PLA, Nangjing 210002,Jiangsu,China)
Africa infectious diseases acquired immune deficiency syndrome
Africa is situated in the tropics, the economy is backward, and the sanitation conditions are poor. Various infectious diseases such as AIDS, malaria, yellow fever, dengue fever, cholera, and Ebola are common. With the development of ‘the Belt and Road’, China ’s exchanges with African regions are getting deeper and deeper, and the risk of cross-border transmission of infectious diseases is bound to increase. To this aim, this article reviews the prevalence of common infectious diseases in Africa.


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