GAO Hui,HU Jian-qun..Detection on distribution and flowing dynamics of cutaneous perforators of tibial anterior arteries with color Doppler flow imaging[J].JOURNAL OF MEDICALRESEARCH —COMBAT TRAUMA CARE,2015,17(05):496-498.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1672-271X.2015.05.015]
- 卷:
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- Title:
Detection on distribution and flowing dynamics of cutaneous perforators of tibial anterior arteries with color Doppler flow imaging
- 作者:
高慧1; 胡建群2
1.210029 江苏南京,江苏省中医院超声医学科;2.210029 江苏南京,江苏省人民医院超声科
- Author(s):
GAO Hui1; HU Jian-qun2.
1.Department of Ultrasound, Jiangsu Province Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210029, China; 2.Department of Ultrasound, Jiangsu Province People Hospital, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210029, China
- 关键词:
胫前动脉; 彩色超声多普勒; 穿支皮瓣
- Keywords:
tibial anterior artery; color Doppler flow imaging; perforator flaps
- 分类号:
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- 摘要:
目的 应用高分辨率的彩色多普勒血流成像(CDFI)对胫前动脉穿支的分布规律及血流动力学参数进行研究。方法 应用CDFI对40侧胫前动脉穿支血管的数目、起始 内径、走行、分布进行检测。并对穿支穿深筋膜处进行体表标记。应用脉冲多普勒(PW)测量穿支起始处及穿深筋膜处收缩期峰值流速(PSV),建立胫前动脉穿支血流动力学正常 对照,并按侧别分组进行统计学分析。结果 胫前动脉共40侧,检出穿动脉总数236支,每侧4~8支不等,平均5.9支。穿支沿3个肌间隙分布,集中在小腿中上段,胫前动脉穿支穿 深筋膜位置大多集中在距离小腿外踝上15~27 cm(55.5%)。穿支动脉起始处及穿深筋膜处PSV左右侧组间差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论 彩色多普勒超声可直观地显示穿支 的走行分布、有无变异或缺如,能在体表准确定位,并提供血流动力学定量指标评价血管质量,为皮瓣的设计提供可靠的依据。
- Abstract:
Objective To study the distribution rules and its flowing dynamics of perforator vessel of tibial anterior arteries with color Doppler imaging. Methods The quantity, the vascular initial diameter, distribution, the quality of the blood vessel and its flowing dynamics of 40 tibial anterior arteries were measured by CDFI. Marked at surface of the perforator perforating deep fascia. Peak systolic velocity (PSV) from perforator starting to the deep fascia was measured by Pulse Doppler (PW). Establish normal control of the anterior tibial artery perforator blood flow dynamics and adopted statistical analysis by the side of the grouped. Results In altogether, 40 legs studied, 236 cutaneous branches were found. Four to eight branches were found on one specimen and the average number of cutaneous perforators was 5.9. Septocutaneous perforators of the anterior tibial artery followed a reproducible pattern (septa I, II and Ⅲ). In the distal segment, we found relatively few perforators. The perforating points of cutaneous branches mostly (55.5% case) appeared within 15-27 cm length above the lateral maleollus of fibula. There were no significant differences in the peak systolic velocity between left and right cutaneous perforators. Conclusion The color Doppler ultrasonography with high resolution could show the distribution and location clearly, assess the quality of the blood flow of perforators artery, and provide scientific basis for planning skin flap.
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