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[1]²ÜÁÖ,³ÂÏþÁ¼,ÀîÙ».18F-FDG PET/CT×î´ó±ê×¼ÉãÈ¡ÖµÓë¾Ö²¿ÍíÆÚÈéÏÙ°©ÁÙ´²²¡ÀíÌØÕ÷¼°Ô¤ºóµÄÏà¹ØÐÔ[J].ҽѧÑо¿ÓëÕ½´´É˾ÈÖÎ(ԭҽѧÑо¿Éúѧ±¨),2021,23(01):28-31.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1672-271X.2021.01.001]
¡¡CAO Lin,CHEN Xiao-liang,LI Qian.18F-FDG PET/CT SUVmax and clinicopathological features of locally advanced breast cancer and its correlation with prognosis[J].JOURNAL OF MEDICALRESEARCH ¡ªCOMBAT TRAUMA CARE,2021,23(01):28-31.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1672-271X.2021.01.001]

18F-FDG PET/CT×î´ó±ê×¼ÉãÈ¡ÖµÓë¾Ö²¿ÍíÆÚÈéÏÙ°©ÁÙ´²²¡ÀíÌØÕ÷¼°Ô¤ºóµÄÏà¹ØÐÔ()




18F-FDG PET/CT SUVmax and clinicopathological features of locally advanced breast cancer and its correlation with prognosis
CAO Lin1CHEN Xiao-liang1LI Qian2
(1.Department of Nuclear Medicine, Chongqing University Cancer Hospital, Chongqing 400030,China; 2.Department of Nuclear Medicine, Chongqing University Central Hospital/Chongqing Emergency Medical Center, Chongqing 400030, China)
18F-fluorodeoxy glucose positron emission tomograpgy/computed tomography local advanced breast cancer pathological features prognosis
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ObjectiveTo study the maximum standard uptake value (SUVmax) of 18F-fluorodeoxy glucose (18F-FDG) Positron emission tomograpgy/computed tomography (PET/CT) and local advanced breast cancer (LABC), and to explore the clinicopathological characteristics of cancer and the correlation with prognosis.MethodsA tatal of 154 LABC cases admitted from July 2017 to October 2019 were examined by 18F-FDG PET/CT. SUVmax was compared with different pathological features and prognosis, and the prognostic value of SUVmax was analyzed.ResultsThe SUVmax of patients with tumor maximum diameter ¡Ý 3 cm, low differentiation of histological grade, T stage T3-T4, Ki-67¡Ý14%, lymph node metastasis was higher than that of patients with tumor maximumdiameter < 3 cm, high differentiation of histological grade, T stage T1-T2, Ki-67 < 14%, no lymph node metastasis (P<0.05).The SUVmax of ineffective patients (4.13¡À0.95) was lower than that of effective patients (5.54¡À1.34) (P<0.05). The SUVmax (4.57¡À1.12) of incomplete remission was also lower than that of complete remission (5.70¡À1.39) (P<0.05). The mean value of SUVmax of 154 patients with LABC was 4.87. The patients were included into SUVmax ¡Ý4.87 group (n=77), SUVmax < 4.87 group (n=77), and the event-free survival rate of SUVmax ¡Ý4.87 group was lower than that of SUVmax < 4.87 group (P<0.05). Cox regression analysis showed that the risk factors (P<0.05) for the prognosis of patients with LABC were tumor diameter ¡Ý3 cm, histological grade low differentiation, T stage T3-T4, Ki-67¡Ý14%, lymph node metastasis, SUVmax ¡Ý4.87.Conclusion18F-FDG PET/CT SUVmax is associated with the largest diameter, histological grade, T-stage, Ki-67 and lymph node metastasis of LABC. With the increase of SUVmax, the response of patients to chemotherapy is enhanced, but the postoperative event-free survival period is shorter.


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¸üÐÂÈÕÆÚ/Last Update: 2021-01-26