|本期目录/Table of Contents|

 QI Na,WANG Bing-chen,XU Tian-chao.The effect of rTMS on severe depression and its influence on negative automatic thinking and executive function[J].JOURNAL OF MEDICALRESEARCH —COMBAT TRAUMA CARE,2021,23(02):155-158.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1672-271X.2021.02.010]





The effect of rTMS on severe depression and its influence on negative automatic thinking and executive function
QI NaWANG Bing-chenXU Tian-chao
(1. Department of Psychiatry,General Hospital of Northen Theater Command,Shenyang 110016,Liaoning,China;2.Shenyang No.4 Retired Cadre Rest Center of Liaoning Military Region,Shenyang 110003,Liaoning,China)
escitalopram oxalate repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation negative automatic thinking executive function
目的探讨草酸艾司西酞普兰联合重复经颅磁刺激(rTMS)治疗重度抑郁症(MDD)的效果及对负性自动思维和执行功能的影响。方法回顾性分析2018年1月至2019年6月北部战区总医院精神心理科收治的70例MDD患者的临床资料,根据治疗方法不同将患者分为rTMS组和对照组,每组各35例。rTMS组采用草酸艾司西酞普兰联合rTMS(10 Hz)治疗,对照组用草酸艾司西酞普兰联合伪刺激治疗,均治疗6周。治疗前后用汉密尔顿抑郁量表-24项(HAMD-24)评估抑郁的严重程度,自动思维问卷(ATQ)评价负性自动思维,用数字广度测验(DST)和威斯康星卡片分类测验(WCST)评估执行功能。分析比较2组各项评分。结果治疗后rTMS组HAMD-24评分[(7.33±2.34)分]和ATQ评分[(46.30±12.63)分]均低于对照组[(10.34±2.64)分、(58.34±23.01)分,P<0.01]。rTMS组DST正序评分[(12.25±2.86)分]、逆序评分[(7.56±1.50)分]和总评分[(19.01±3.05)分]均高于对照组[(10.32±1.97)分、(6.14±2.31)分、(16.24±2.88)分,P<0.01]。rTMS组WCST正确应答数评分[(85.34±10.02)分]和完成分类数评分[(2.87±0.30)分]均高于对照组[(72.31±9.34)分、(2.53±0.41)分,P<0.01];rTMS组错误应答数评分[(23.01±5.37)分]和持续错误数评分[(16.35±1.28)分]均低于对照组[(30.34±5.71)分、(18.36±2.07)分,P<0.01]。结论与草酸艾司西酞普兰单药治疗相比,联合rTMS可以提高抗抑郁治疗效果,并有利于改善负性自动思维和执行功能。
ObjectiveTo explore the effect of escitalopram oxalate combined with repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) in the treatment of severe depression (MDD) and its effect on negative automatic thinking and executive function. MethodsFrom January 2018 to June 2019, 70 MDD patients admitted to the Department of Psychiatry of the Northern Theater General Hospital were selected as the study objects. According to different treatment methods, the patients were divided into rTMS group and the control group, each with 35 cases. rTMS group was treated with escitalopram oxalate combined with rTMS (10 Hz) and the control group with escitalopram oxalate combined with pseudo stimulation for 6 weeks. Before and after treatment, the severity of depression was assessed by Hamilton Depression Scale-24 (hamd-24), negative automatic thinking was assessed by automatic thinkingquestionnaire (ATQ), and executive function was assessed by digital span test (DST) and Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST). The scores of the two groups were analyzed and compared.ResultsAfter treatment, the HAMD-24 score [(7.33±2.34) points] and ATQ score [(46.30±12.63) points] were lower than the control group [(10.34±2.64) points, (58.34±23.01) points, P<0.01]. The DST positive sequence score [(12.25±2.86) points], reverse sequence score [(7.56±1.50) points] and total score [(19.01±3.05) points] of rTMS group were higher than the control group [(10.32±1.97) points, ( 6.14±2.31) points, (16.24±2.88) points, P<0.01]. The WCST correct response number score of rTMS group [(85.34±10.02) points] and the completed classification number score [(2.87±0.30) points] were higher than the control group [(72.31±9.34) points, (2.53±0.41) points, P<0.01]. The scores of the number of wrong responses in rTMS group [(23.01±5.37) points] and the number of continuous errors [(16.35±1.28) points] were lower than those in the control group [(30.34±5.71) points, (18.36±2.07) points, P<0.01 ].ConclusionCompared with escitalopram oxalate alone, combination with rTMS can improve the effect of antidepressant treatment and improve the negative automatic thinking and executive function.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2021-03-22