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 DAI Wei-zheng,WU Mei-na,FU Mao-lin,et al.Observation on clinical effects of pramipexole combined with high-frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) in the treatment of patients suffered from early Parkinson’s disease (PD) and depression[J].JOURNAL OF MEDICALRESEARCH —COMBAT TRAUMA CARE,2021,23(6):592-595.[doi:10.3969/j.issn.1672-271X.2021.06.007]





Observation on clinical effects of pramipexole combined with high-frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) in the treatment of patients suffered from early Parkinson’s disease (PD) and depression
DAI Wei-zheng WU Mei-na FU Mao-lin YE Ying-anHE Wen-qinRUAN Zhi-fang
(Department of Neurology, the 910th Hospital of the Joint Logistics Support Force,PLA,Quanzhou 362000, Fujian, China)
repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation pramipexole Parkinson’s disease depression
目的观察比较普拉克索联合高频重复经颅磁刺激(rTMS)治疗与单独使用普拉克索治疗早期帕金森病合并抑郁患者的疗效及安全性。方法选取2016年1月-2019年7月解放军联勤保障部队第九一○医院收治的帕金森病合并抑郁的患者80例,完全随机分为药物组和联合治疗组,每组40例。药物组患者在原有药物治疗基础上加用普拉克索。联合治疗组在加用普拉克索治疗同时,连续使用高频刺激入组患者双侧前额背外侧(DLPFC)区14 d。在治疗前及治疗后14 d、28 d分别行帕金森病统一评定量表第Ⅲ部分(UPDRS Ⅲ)评分及汉密尔顿抑郁量表-24(HAMD-24)评估,并记录2组治疗过程中出现的不良反应。结果药物组治疗后14 d HAMD-24评分[(15.22±3.74)分]、28 d HAMD-24评分[(12.18±4.52)分]较治疗前评分[(22.72±4.75)分]改善(P<0.05);联合治疗组治疗后14 d HAMD-24评分[(11.83±3.36)分]、28 d HAMD-24评分[(10.55±2.73)分]较治疗前评分[(23.84±4.91)分]改善(P<0.05)。药物组治疗后14 d UPDRSⅢ评分[(17.95±3.74)分]、28 d UPDRSⅢ评分[(18.44±3.81)分]较治疗前UPDRS Ⅲ评分[(20.65±2.07)分]改善(P<0.05);联合治疗组治疗后14 d UPDRSⅢ评分[(14.42±3.35)分]、28 d UPDRSⅢ评分[(15.58±2.79)分]较治疗前UPDRS Ⅲ评分[(21.03±1.98)分]改善(P<0.05)。与药物组比较,治疗后14、28 d联合治疗组UPDRS评分、HAMD-24评分改善更明显,2组同时间点比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论普拉克索联合高频rTMS用于帕金森病合并抑郁症患者治疗效果优于普拉克索单药治疗,安全性高。
ObjectiveTo observe and compare the efficacy and safety of high-frequency rTMS combined with pramipexole versus pramipexole alone in the treatment of patients suffered from early PD and depression.Methods80 patients suffered from PD and depression were selected and divided into drug group and combined treatment group randomly. For patients in the drug group, pramipexole was added in addition to the original drugs. For patients in the combined treatment group, in addition to the original drugs and pramipexole, the high-frequency stimulation was adopted continuously on their bilateral dorsal lateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) for 14 days. The unified PD rating scale part Ⅲ (UPDRS Ⅲ) score and Hamilton depression scale-24 (HAMD-24) assessment were performed before and on the 14th and 28th day after treatment, respectively. Adverse reactions in the two groups were recorded. ResultsThe HAMD-24 score [(15.22±3.74) points] for 14 days and HAMD-24 score [(12.18±4.52) points] for 28 days after treatment in the drug group were improved compared with the scores before treatment [(22.72±4.75) points] (P<0.05); the HAMD-24 score [(11.83±3.36) points] for 14 days and HAMD-24 score [(10.55±2.73) points] for 28 days after treatment in the combined treatment group were improved compared with the scores before treatment [(23.84±4.91) points] (P<0.05). The UPDRS Ⅲ score [(17.95±3.74) points] for 14 days and UPDRS Ⅲ score [(18.44±3.81) points] for 28 days after treatment in the drug group were improved compared with the UPDRS Ⅲ scores [(20.65±2.07) points] before treatment (P<0.05) ); the UPDRS Ⅲ score [(14.42±3.35) points] for 14 days and UPDRS Ⅲ score [(15.58±2.79) points] for 28 days after treatment in the combined treatment group were improved compared with the UPDRS Ⅲ scores [(21.03±1.98) points] before treatment (P<0.05). Compared with the drug group, the UPDRSIII score and HAMD-24 score in the combined treatment group improved more significantly for 14 and 28 days after treatment, and the difference between the two groups at the same time point was statistically significant (P<0.05).ConclusionThe high-frequency rTMS combined with pramipexole is superior to pramipexole alone in the treatment of patients suffered from PD and depression with higher safety.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2021-12-15